Sunday, January 28, 2007
i try to stop thinking about it but eventually i still do. i don't want myself to be like that. and i'm finding that i don't even understand myself sometimes. i don't even know what i want. by the way huihui, thanks a lot for listening to me yet again until we were both dead sleepy and felt like dying. haha. but i guess i'm trying hard not to think about it though it's damn difficult not to. and huihui doesn't understand why i'm even doing that. actually i don't know it myself either. what a joke.
and oh my gosh i seriously need to buck up for my studies i'm like super duper lag! and sorry for being random but i miss you kor. i'm counting down to you coming back :) thanks for being my strength at times when i'm so sick of life.
but at least in the midst of being so sick of everything, there's 3rd feb to look forward to :D can't wait to see you guys and going crazy and retarded together once again. haha.
love you like a sister;
4:18 pm
Monday, January 15, 2007
haven't seen wq in a long time and i finally met up with her today! so today shall be a happy day :D
wq looked into the mirror after she dyed and highlighted her hair and said," ooh i'm ang moh lang." HAHA! wth. omg wq you are always so full of shit but that's also one of the reasons why i love you. and talking about pam lim and her hilarious incidences always makes me feel like laughing non-stop. it's damn stupid. haha.
i should have more besties days to help rid all the school blues. it's like therapeutic. haha.

love you like a sister;
9:11 pm
Friday, January 12, 2007
i can't believe it's only like the second week of 2007 and i already have so much stuff on my mind weighing me down. suddenly it feels like four walls closing up upon me.
anyway, thanks huihui for listening to me rant. i haven't ranted in a long time. and also to kai who sympathized with me. haha. it's friends like this that makes me smile even on a gloomy day.
i hope wq's wisdom tooth surgery goes well on tuesday and she won't end up looking like popeye! haha. maybe i'll go visit her and at the same time eat those chocolate truffles she promised me. ya she made it apparently. we should be proud of her. haha.
love you like a sister;
11:25 pm
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
found this on dawn's blog and thought it was quite interesting.
and i can't seem to tag on my own blog! zzzz...
Your Birthdate: May 25 |
 Calm and understated, you struggle to express your love with words. Over time, your partner learns to recognize your passion by the actions you take. You're good at wooing someone slowly, without them even realizing it!
Number of True Loves You'll Have: 2
Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 2
You are most compatible with people born on the 7th, 16th, and 25th of the month. |
love you like a sister;
10:38 pm
Monday, January 01, 2007
it's yet another year can't believe it. i really wish in year 2007 i can focus on my studies properly. i need some good concentration and determination to get me through. and somehow being at age 18 i do feel rather old and in fact i'm like some old woman starting to dread as the years go by. haha. was writing in my diary about 2006 and was happy that i still have some good friends from years back :) friends are really hard to come by. and when i say friend i mean someone that you can actually talk to and someone who understands you like the way you go about doing things and loves you for who you are. someone who faces you genuinely and appreciates you. of course it should be mutual. haha. that's rare isn't it. it's funny how sometimes you can just get along really well with someone you might not know for a long time but you still don't quite hit it with people you know longer. it's really not about the duration you've known each other but whether you just can click with that person kind of thing.
anyway, for all you people if you're free and bored can come visit me in school thanks! haha.
love you like a sister;
8:51 am